#56 The Everlasting Love of God – 1 of 1
Pastor David continues to look at the Love of God from the book of Romans Chapter 8
God’s everlasting Love (Rom. 8:31-39)
This is a continuation of teaching from Trinity’s Communion Service. Last time Bro. David spoke on the Bread and what the benefits are for the believer. Today, the significance of the Cup, it is a cup of thanksgiving.
Brother David dives into what it means when in the Shepherd Psalm “He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies” There is an interesting story in 2 Kings 6 where the bible gives an example of being surrounded and starving to abundance in the mater of a single day.
This is a sermon from Pastor David as he continues to explore the Blessings of Numbers 6:24-26. He will show how this blessings transcends throughout scripture and leads the believer into the Millennial blessings and Reign of Jesus Christ.
Brother David keeping it simple with a summation of the Apostle Paul’s single focus of the Gospel Message.
Bro. David finishes up his three part sermon on the two fold ministry of Grace. Saving Grace and Enabling Grace.
This is the third message in the series on God’s Mercy. Today Bro. David gives scientific facts to the extent of God’s mercy based on “as the heavens are high above the earth” How high and far and to what extent will the Mercy of God reach those who call on His name? We…