#67 The Two Fold Ministry of Grace Part-3 Enabling Grace
Bro. David finishes up his three part sermon on the two fold ministry of Grace. Saving Grace and Enabling Grace.
Pastor David begins a new sermon series in which he will look at the different aspects of Grace. Grace (unmerited favor) that works in the Salvation of the Unbeliever as well as Grace available for victorious living of the true believer.
This is the final message in the series of the 103rd Psalm, David the psalmist sums it all up and makes his boast in the Lord.
Pastor David continues to look at the Love of God from the book of Romans Chapter 8 God’s everlasting Love (Rom. 8:31-39)
Brother David keeping it simple with a summation of the Apostle Paul’s single focus of the Gospel Message.
This is a continuation from Bro. David sermon series on the Mercy of God. Bro. David picks up where he left off on the 5th benefit of God’s mercy.
This is the third message in the series on God’s Mercy. Today Bro. David gives scientific facts to the extent of God’s mercy based on “as the heavens are high above the earth” How high and far and to what extent will the Mercy of God reach those who call on His name? We…