#72 The Blessing of God’s Mercy Psalms 103:8-10
This is the third message in a series on the Mercy of God. Bro. David opens up the Blessings of God’s Mercy as shown in the 103rd Psalm.
Pastor David continues to look at the Love of God from the book of Romans Chapter 8 God’s everlasting Love (Rom. 8:31-39)
This week Brother David ventures into what he calls the fifth pillar of faith, Mercy. Brother David has been sharing five characteristics of the Christian Faith. Faith, Hope, Love, Grace and Mercy. This begins a study on Mercy which will span several weeks as we take a closer look into the Godly attribute of Mercy.
Pastor David Darst begins a sermon series on the Priestly Blessings of Numbers 6:24-26
Brother David keeping it simple with a summation of the Apostle Paul’s single focus of the Gospel Message.
Brother David dives into what it means when in the Shepherd Psalm “He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies” There is an interesting story in 2 Kings 6 where the bible gives an example of being surrounded and starving to abundance in the mater of a single day.
A Sermon from David Darst at Trinity Church Palestine. Brother David gets us ready for a New year with new opportunities and new adventures as we look to Jesus and forward to 2015 with great excitement. [Deu 29:29 ESV] 29 “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed…