TCP Primer #7


We have officially entered into the peak of our summer time season.  People are taking vacations, they are hitting sandy destination with turquoise warm gulf waters or maybe up in the cooler, crisper air of the mountains, breathing in and exhaling the grandeur and glory of God.  Face it some of ya’ll just like to play in the mud…whatever it is, He has made everything good, He has made everything for our enjoyment; however there is no greater enjoyment no greater fulfillment than God Himself.

I told the body the other day that “I’m glad by the grace of God I’m not going to hell, because if it’s anything like Texas in July it’s gonna be a scorcher”.  There is so much more in going to heaven, other than the cooler alternative.  Heaven, I don’t know if saying heaven will be like a vacation or a holiday but I know it will be a get-a-way, a rising up and out of this ole troubled world.  An escape from the pain and suffering, an escape from the deceptive, destructive onslaught of wicked men and their lust and craving for more…more power, more money, more things which can never satisfy.  With everything the bible tells us about heaven, streets of gold, the tree of life, the crystal sea, perfect bodies, and minds not to mention a reunion with all those we loved, and who loved God, and by faith trusted in His promise, man what a time.   We won’t have to approach the throne of God by faith, we will be able to approach in real time (of course time will be no more) We will see Jesus! John said; (1Jo 3:2 ESV) Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.

Don’t miss what John said “we are God’s children NOW…” let’s start enjoying the hope NOW!  don’t wait let’s believe with anticipation that the best is yet to come.  So friends wherever you find your getaway spot to be, take time and reflect on the one who has gone to prepare a place for you of which He said in (1Co 2:9 ESV) “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”– Frankly I think He is a beach kind of God….Crystal sea, I mean galilee and all, Jesus seemed to spend a lot of time around water…not to mention it (water and sand) makes up the majority of the planet.  Yeah He’s a beach kind of God.


It’s going to be AWESOME!

Grace and Peace


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