#53 The Currency of the Kingdom-Hope continued
This is a continuation of the Bro. David’s Sermon Series on the currencies of the Kingdom.
This is a continuation of the Bro. David’s Sermon Series on the currencies of the Kingdom.
We have a busy but exciting weekend coming up. I’m looking forward to being with the Fulton’s who run the “Texas Gospel Music hall” in Athens Texas. I believe it starts at 7:00 p.m. but you better get there early for a good seat. “The Greens” a Southern Gospel group from Nashville will be there. …
It has been an extremely busy couple of months since I have joined up with PSQ (Palmetto State Quartet) http://www.psqworld.comWe have traveled everywhere from Florida to Kentucky and many other states. We have been in the studio releasing the new project which everyone is very excited about. When we got in from Powderly KY. My…
I don’t know about you but my greatest external pressure is not really external but rather seems to be internal. Jesus said Matt. 16:33 “In this world you will have tribulation…” there is not a day without difficulty…without some sort of trouble. Some are worse than others and some more difficult than others. There are…
Hope all is well…It’s been a little over a year since I have been active in my Ministry. I feel a longing in my heart as Jeremiah said (a fire shut up in my bones) to share the word of the Lord whether it be through song or the preaching of the word. If you or your…
As many of you know I have recently resigned my post as the pastor of Faith Baptist Church Chandler, TX. It most certainly is a leap of faith yet I know we all have those “Ur’s” we must leave. God told Abraham Gen 12:1 ” Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of…
A Sermon from David Darst at Trinity Church Palestine. Brother David gets us ready for a New year with new opportunities and new adventures as we look to Jesus and forward to 2015 with great excitement. [Deu 29:29 ESV] 29 “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed…