Another Trip around the mountian
Here is hoping all finds you well in 2012. Well its been an interesting two years to say the least and after much kicking against the goads I have resolved to return to Texas, return to the Gospel ministry. The Apostle Paul said; “woe to me if I preach not the gospel…” I am understanding that more today than I ever have. I have been ministering through music the last couple of years so I have not been out of the ministry all together, but I have not been in the position to teach and preach the word of God. As a result I have lost that all encompassing purpose that comes when one called by God preaches the eternal Word of God as it goes forth on the wings of the anointing.
I would ask that people would please include my family and I in your prayers as we seek God and how to return and where he would have us plug in. I want to join God in what He is doing rather than start something and ask God to get involved in it. I’m praying about starting a new work altogether in the east Texas area somewhere between Chandler and Lindale.
I would love to hear from you and would covet your prayers.
Blessings In Christ
David Darst
Phip. 1:6