Trinity Church

We’ll hope everyone is doing well.  I know it’s been a while since I last posted, my life has been moving 90 to nothing and by the time I get home I’m exhausted.  I’m not sure what happened but it’s starting to come to me.  Do we really understand that the Almighty is not interested in our plans no matter how impressed we are with them.  The Lord makes a clear case in Isaiah 55: 8-9  For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

After coming back to Texas and getting off the road, I figured I’d go back to doing what I always have done, Pastor a church, but not just any church.  I had, and have grown tired of the East Texas Bible Buckle traditional Baptist church “stuck in the rutt of ritualism.”   I wanted to be a part of a contemporary relative to the culture church.  A church were people are loving each other and experiencing the power of Grace to transform lives, instead of the country club christian church of the cut your hair, cover your tattoo’s, quite drinking and smoking and you can be used by God church.

So I set my heart to do something I said I would never do in Chandler Texas, start another church there are like 14 in the city limits. (I have two teen-age daughters I can say “like”)  Anyhow there was a lot of excitement for about a month or so and then it just fell off, folks quit coming.  I guess people want to be a part of something that is already successful rather than the hard work of building something.  Then again…I don’t think I was ready to do the hard work myself.  The more time I have to reflect I am believing that God has His plans and is not impressed with mine no matter how good I think my plans are.  So I broke out my fork and plate  as I was served up another big piece of humble pie.

My good friend David Gregg had asked me about coming to Trinity Church a non-denominational church in Palestine, TX. of which I quickly told him no because it was a 45 minute commute and was not practical.  Hum…God being practical!  I’m so stupid when will I ever learn?   I was David’s pastor back in the late 90’s (that makes me old don’t it?) and now he is back in Palestine where God is using him to build a great culturally relative church of Grace, and my family and I are joining them where I guess the Lord is going to let me do what I have been dying to do my whole life.  MUSIC!!!!

Anyhow the church is Trinity Church and my son Daygan is playing the lead guitar and my wife Becky is the children’s minister.  We have much work to do and need the Lord as we have challenges ahead.

Thank you so much for everyone who continues to support and pray for this ministry.

Grace and Peace


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  1. Oh wow—PTL—-give us more info….would love to drive to Palestine…what time, date and etc?? Love you all to pieces….Work with the Lord my friend!!

  2. Dear, Bro. David
    Where ever God puts you and Becky I know that He will keep using you for his work. I will continue to pray for y’all to keep growing and maturing in the Lord. None of us get to the point where we have “arrived” to complete Knowledge. We can’t rely on past spiritual experiences or a list of rules or even a lot of training. That’s what I’m learning. Christ wants us to be playable and ready for new marching orders everyday. Just like He told Moses to strike the rock for water, one time and then the next time he was to speak to the rock; but Moses thought he could “handle this” he done it before! I think God keeps the changes coming so that we find we need to rely on Him constantly. I really think I’m a slow learner sometimes, “sigh”. Like the Children of Israel there are some lessons I just have to keep repeating . In this new phase in my life I’ve discovering that I relied, more than I should have, on my husband for my identity. (before he got sick) he was my motivator, encourager, and comforter when I was having a hard day. That’s what I should have let Jesus be for me all along. Christ doesn’t accept being substituted for, even a good thing. Regardless, when we really ponder Romans 8:28 we can’t sit in the “Mully grubs” or fret about the future, or waist time regretting the past. Christ is all about NOW! So let’s: Head-Up, Chest-Up, slap-no-a-smile and go forth in confidence in Christ . Yes we’re bound to make some more mistakes, but I have to believe that’ll less often the closer in touch with Christ we stay. ~Peace~

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